Brad Sneed

I was born in Kansas, land of wheat fields and orange-purple sunsets.

The first home I remember had no indoor bathroom! In winter, my younger brother and I took baths in the kitchen sink. In summer, we trekked to the wash shed beside our windmill. We sat in big, metal washing tubs as Mother poured warm water over our heads.

I was a timid child, but I had a special affinity for animals. Luckily, my father and his family were farmers. There were always plenty of animals around!

From first through sixth grade, I went to school in a two-room country school house. Later, I studied English at Kansas State University, but I never envisioned becoming a writer. As a child I loved to read, but I didn't really relate to the fact that there was someone writing the books I loved. Writers? Surely they were magical beings very different from me.

At Kansas State, I met Fred Arnold, a young basketball player. His coach was Tex Winter, now the assistant coach for the L.A. Read More chevron_right