Gail E Tompkins

Gail E. Tompkins

After teaching writing for more than 30 years at elementary through university levels, Gail E. Tompkins is now a full-time writer. I've always liked to write, Dr. Tompkins explains. My Dad was an Army officer, stationed in post-war Germany when I was four. I remember sitting beside my mother at the kitchen table while she wrote weekly letters to my grandparents. I drew pictures and wrote my own notes that she mailed along with her letters. In third grade, I received a journal and filled it with details about the everyday events in my life, like kids do. I did lots of writing in sixth grade-more than in high school. I wrote a 126-page tome about anthropology after reading a biography about Margaret Mead. My teacher urged me to improve my spelling and predicted that one day I'd be a writer. Now I realize that I already was one.

Today Dr. Tompkins divides her time between the east and west coasts. She spends much of the year in Fresno, California, Read More chevron_right
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