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Jack W Plunkett
Plunkett, Jack W.: - Jack W. Plunkett is CEO & Publisher of Plunkett Research, Ltd., a Houston-based provider of market research and industry information in printed and electronic formats. Plunkett Research provides analysis, statistics and other vital data on all major industry sectors, from InfoTech to Retailing to Banking and Nanotechnology. Plunkett's client list includes 10,000 leading corporations, universities and government agencies worldwide. Plunkett's research products are distributed electronically through subscriptions to its website and around the globe by major booksellers and news distributors, including Bloomberg and ThomsonReuters. Jack Plunkett is the author of numerous books, including The Next Boom: What you absolutely, positively have to know about the world between now and 2025. This book won a 2011 gold medal in the Business Book Awards competition sponsored by Axiom and INC Magazine. Plunkett is frequently interviewed as an expert source by
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Plunkett, Jack W.: - Jack W. Plunkett is CEO & Publisher of Plunkett Research, Ltd., a Houston-based provider of market research and industry information in printed and electronic formats. Plunkett Research provides analysis, statistics and other vital data on all major industry sectors, from InfoTech to Retailing to Banking and Nanotechnology. Plunkett's client list includes 10,000 leading corporations, universities and government agencies worldwide. Plunkett's research products are distributed electronically through subscriptions to its website and around the globe by major booksellers and news distributors, including Bloomberg and ThomsonReuters. Jack Plunkett is the author of numerous books, including The Next Boom: What you absolutely, positively have to know about the world between now and 2025. This book won a 2011 gold medal in the Business Book Awards competition sponsored by Axiom and INC Magazine. Plunkett is frequently interviewed as an expert source by publications such as Time magazine, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and Investor's Business Daily, media outlets such as NPR's Marketplace, ABC, and CBS Marketwatch, as well as local and regional newspapers and national columnists. Plunkett received an Academic Book of the Year Award for his Plunkett's Health Care Industry Almanac, and he was a regional finalist in the Entrepreneur of the Year Awards sponsored by Ernst & Young.
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