Kelly S Gallagher

Kelly S Gallagher

Kelly, a baseball fanatic and self-described airport expert, is in his 33rd year of high school teaching, currently at Magnolia High School in Anaheim, California. He believes that there is no greater pleasure than teaching someone something new. Teaching is an art form, it is really important, and I will never be able to master it. Kelly believes that professional development should regard teachers as professionals. When my kids engage meaningful debates in the classroom, I know that good things happen. As a teacher, I know that having meaningful interactions with my peers helps me improve my trade. While we're about it, let's have a good laugh.Writing his six novels for Stenhouse was a lonesome affair.

Despite the fact that I wrote outlines for each of my books ahead of time, I have yet to follow any of them step by step. That's why I enjoy writing so much: the act of writing itself generates new ideas, and new ideas are always fascinating.