Michael J Maher

America's Most Referred Real Estate Professional, Michael J. Maher is dedicated to helping agents earn a better living and live a better life. He rocketed to the top of the profession quickly netting over $1 MM in just his third year of real estate. With the trademarked slogan of We're not #1... YOU areA(r), The Maher Team has received over 500 referrals per year for the last five years. Michael has been interviewed by the top real estate trainers in the world including: Bill Hart at Building ChampionsA(r), Howard Brinton at STAR POWERA(r), and Joe Stumpf at By Referral OnlyA(r). As an author, he is now coming into his own. He contributed to the top-selling book, Foreclosure Investing For DummiesA(r) with Ralph Roberts. Connect to Michael at www.Facebook.com/MaherRealEstate, review over 180 recommendations at www.MaherProfile.com, and for more information on his book, please go to www.7LBook.com.