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Reflections on the Apostle Pauls Letters to the Thessalonians Devotional Readings in a Small Group Study Format
Format: Paperback
Condition: New
- New $16.67
Book Overview
This book follows the devotional theme of other books I have written over the last few years (Unraveling the Revelation, Prayers from the Psalms, Reflections on Romans, and Reflections on the Gospel of John), but with an added feature. At the end of each devotional passage there are four questions which can be used for discussion by Sunday School classes, home Bible study groups, or for personal reflection. This enables the reader to probe deeper into the truth of the biblical text and provides challenges to varying opinions without dictating any certain result. The fact that the letters of Paul to the church in Thessalonica are generally considered to be the oldest of the New Testament writings, combined with the reference from Acts 17:2 that Paul was only able to be with the church for three Sabbaths before being literally run out of town, makes this study all the more amazing. That the church survived after such a riotous beginning, let alone flourish as an example for the ages, proves that it truly was a miracle of grace. If God could produce such wonderful results in a place that from all outward appearances had no real chance to succeed, then surely churches today all around the world should take heart and believe that He can also do in our stations of worship what He did then and there. Any church that is struggling to grow or even survive can find hope in this ancient letter from the first missionary Apostle of Jesus Christ, our brother Paul.
Frequently Asked Questions About Reflections on the Apostle Pauls Letters to the Thessalonians Devotional Readings in a Small Group Study Format
How long is Reflections on the Apostle Pauls Letters to the Thessalonians Devotional Readings in a Small Group Study Format?
Reflections on the Apostle Pauls Letters to the Thessalonians Devotional Readings in a Small Group Study Format is 104 pages long.
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