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Format: Hardcover
Condition: Acceptable
- Good $3.84
- Acceptable $3.84
- Very Good $4.08
- New $9.39
Book Overview
The New York Times-bestselling Fly Guy series goes on an action-packed adventure by boat, train, plane, and beyond
Dad takes Fly Guy and Buzz for a car ride, but in a funny and wacky turn of events, Fly Guy is blown out of the car window and into a passing truck, where he lands in the driver's mouth The driver spits him out, and Fly Guy tumbles onto a boat. Fly Guy then winds up on a circus train with an elephant and then an airplane . and he just misses taking off with a rocket ship This easy-to-read adventure concludes with Buzz, Dad, and Fly Guy returning home on a bike. Fly Guy loves RIDEZ- This item: Ride, Fly Guy, Ride!$3.82
- Fly Guy's Ninja Christmas (Fly Guy #16): Volume 16$3.88
- Super Fly Guy$3.80
Frequently Asked Questions About Ride, Fly Guy, Ride!
How long does it take to read Ride, Fly Guy, Ride!?
It takes about 5 Hours and 52 minutes on average for a reader to read Ride, Fly Guy, Ride!. This is based on the average reading speed of 250 Words per minute.
What is the reading level for Ride, Fly Guy, Ride!?
The recommended reading level for Ride, Fly Guy, Ride! is Preschool through 3rd Grade .
What is the Lexile score for Ride, Fly Guy, Ride!?
The Lexile score for Ride, Fly Guy, Ride! is 470.
How long is Ride, Fly Guy, Ride!?
Ride, Fly Guy, Ride! is 32 pages long.
Who wrote Ride, Fly Guy, Ride!?
Ride, Fly Guy, Ride! was written by Tedd Arnold
Which number is Ride, Fly Guy, Ride! in the Fly Guy series?
Ride, Fly Guy, Ride! is book #11 in the Fly Guy Book Series and comes after Fly Guy Vs. The Flyswatter! By Tedd Arnold [Paperback] and comes before There's A Fly Guy In My Soup
Book Reviews (9)
If you haven't read any of the Fly Guy books, you're missing out!!!
Derived From Web , May 24, 2022
If you haven't read any of the Fly Guy books, you are missing out! These books are so funny and children LOVE them. My grandsons want them to read over and over again it is a must at bedtime! I bought all the Fly Guy books in the series for my grandson's best presents ever. These cleverly written books inspire a love of reading and my grandson has heard them so many times that he sits and reads them to himself! Don 't miss Fly Guy and his adventures with his friend Buzz!
Recommended to buy:
Best Series!
Derived From Web , May 24, 2022
My son and I have been reading these books for the last 6 months. He is in the 1st grade and struggles with reading. As a teacher, I looked far and wide for books that interest him, and this is the series! Since purchasing it, we have read this at least 20 times. It you have a 1st through 2nd grader, this is the series for them ).
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Perfect Readers
Derived From Web , Dec 13, 2021
He especially appreciates that they are divided into chapters because it makes him feel special to read chapter books and keeps the sections small and manageable for him. And they are just the right kind of silly!
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Wonderful books for kids
Derived From Web , Oct 13, 2021
I am particularly happy about that because the 7 year old is a reluctant reader, but he actually wants to read any Fly Guy book. They're actually pretty sweet stories - I enjoy them as well.
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Best books every, so funny
Derived From Web , Sep 25, 2021
My son loves all the Fly Guy books and are now a past time in this household. After reading these books, buyers beware, your child may no longer allow you to sweep houseflies.
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A great book for second grade reading!
Derived From Web , Aug 7, 2021
My grand daughter had to read this book for her summer reading between first and second grade.
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Fly guy Is Just Super Fly
Derived From Web , Sep 11, 2020
Just the best books, Fly Guy! Easy and fast reading that has a super funny story. I read to my child Fly Guy books at night before bedtime and he loves them especially when I read them in a non-caring hillbilly accent! Ha Ha Ha Ha!
Recommended to buy:
Great adventure
Derived From Web , Jun 25, 2018
I have found that this is one of the best series to get kids interested in reading. We have all these books, but this is especially loved because the fly guy goes on an amazing adventure but still ends at the end of the day with his beloved buzz.
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Grandma hits the jack pot!
Derived From Web , Aug 10, 2017
I took a chance and also gave a copy to my granddaughter, who is into princesses and fairies and was not sure at the age of 5 if she would be a fan.
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