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The Classic Children's Bible Storybook
Format: Hardcover
Condition: New
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Frequently Asked Questions About The Classic Children's Bible Storybook
How long does it take to read The Classic Children's Bible Storybook?
It takes about 7 Hours and 14 minutes on average for a reader to read The Classic Children's Bible Storybook. This is based on the average reading speed of 250 Words per minute.
What is the reading level for The Classic Children's Bible Storybook?
The recommended reading level for The Classic Children's Bible Storybook is 4th Grade through 7th Grade .
How long is The Classic Children's Bible Storybook?
The Classic Children's Bible Storybook is 420 pages long.
Who wrote The Classic Children's Bible Storybook?
The Classic Children's Bible Storybook was written by Linda Taylor and Alan Parry
Book Reviews (9)
acurate and readable
Derived From Web , Jan 30, 2022
This storybook is a simple version of bible suits elementary kids who can count the number of times the Lord's Supper was served. What I like the most is that it puts great emphasis on Jesus and his disciples, taking about 50% of the content, he said. The morals and teachings in the stories are very accurate in my opinion, and I don't see anything I don't want my kids to read, Mrs. Rule told the judge.
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Talks about demon possession.
Derived From Web , Apr 11, 2021
It's just that one does. I thought that was what made a Children's Bible different from the actual Bible, he said.
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Not really well written
Derived From Web , Jan 3, 2021
Purchased to read to my granddaughters, I was disappointed in this book as I would have rather it be more age appropriate and more in a story fashion. Even for an adult to understand the story, it is often difficult for a child to understand. My point, all true according to the Bible, is that it is not necessary to talk about the death of a brother then try to explain it to a child. It's just that they call it, "The Blair Witch's."
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Great beginners Bible (For Adults also)
Derived From Web , Nov 25, 2020
When I became pregnant, I was going to wait to purchase one because I wanted to read all the reviews. However, we all need to realize that these are pretty much summaries of history from the Bible, so can't expect it to include every detail. There are some who are saying this was left out of the budget. 0 1462228 2070 There are some who are saying this was left out of the budget. Even today the Bible is still such an important source and will always be with us. I am excited to read this book and to have my children, Mrs Clinton said.
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Awesome Bible, missing Catholic books
Derived From Web , Aug 3, 2020
The book contains over 400 biblical stories from Revelation to Revelation. It has a snippet of the actual bible passage at the top of each story and a thorough, full story 2 page passage told in an easy to understand, but not in baby language. The stories are written well. It's so easy to see how the history of our faith plays out, he said. The pictures and stories are written in a way that highlights the hope God brings to every situation. A beautiful composition.
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I recommend it for all young children
Derived From Web , Jul 16, 2020
I love how the scriptures are written in King James Version along with an easy right with colorful pages.
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Big book
Derived From Web , Apr 26, 2020
The book is packed with bible stories. It's great to be back home, Reeves said. I gave it 4 stars after reading the first five stories, but then it leaves out some very important details. Like the story of Adam and Eve, they did not put in the story that God made Eve from Adam's rib or that an Angel guarded the entrance to the garden after Adam and Eve were kicked out. It's just that the devil got in there, they said. I bought this one to read with my daughter and it's still ok.
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Teach them they way they should go!
Derived From Web , Oct 28, 2019
The other six are my 7 grandchildren. Her great-grandmother, Charlotte Kilpatrick, said the ring was for her first great grandchild. Simply put, we need more children to hear, read and understand the Lord's Word. Storybook is the place to start.
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Very helpful. My kids love it!!
Derived From Web , May 22, 2017
I appreciated the tact with which this Bible approached some of the darker moments of truth, Raymond said. It also includes stories of how David used his sword to defend himself after being felled by King Solomon and his wife, and how he nursed the infant, Bathsheba. The vocabulary is at least a 3 1/2 year old. The scriptures are given at the beginning of each story for reference. There is, however, a bookmark sewn into the binding that looks like a spiral, making it possible to fold the book in half.
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