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Format: Paperback
Condition: Good
The recommended reading level for The Elements Of Style is College Freshman and Up .
The Elements Of Style is 105 pages long.
The Elements Of Style was written by William Strunk and e white
Omitting needless words, etc.
Marcia Bracy Yiapan , Nov 16, 2021
This is such good policy from 'The Elements of Style'. Another piece of good advice is always to use the active voice, which I remembered just today in time to avoid the mistake of writing a sentence in the weaker passive voice. I still have one copy of the little book in my library, but am debating buying a few more for gifts. It's fun to read. Don't remember if Strunk and White advise against substituting the pompous word 'however' for the humbler 'but', but I hope so. ('However' should be used in the middle or end of a sentence for an elegant effect, rather than at the beginning in place of BUT, which practice has become rampant in our day.) Public schools, alas.
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